
GPS Units

If you're not content with the screen size of your current Polaris General GPS, or if you're looking for brand new GPS to install in your machine so you never lose your way, for the best GPS units to use in the Polaris General, Everything Polaris Ranger is the place to be. We have global positioning systems like the Garmin 276cx -- which works great and supports the onX hunt maps chip -- and the Lowrance Trophy-5m Baja GPS -- which comes with an external GPS antenna and allows users to record and export navigational data for future use. The Garmin Montana with a map chip is a good option, but if you want to ride in other regions and still be able to see trail maps, you'll need to download or buy different map chips. If you ride in supported states, VV Mapping is a good resource for downloadable maps constructed with actual positioning data. Unlike many other maps, which can be vague, general, and built with the liberal use of artistic freedom, VV maps show the actual ORV trails with surprising accuracy. Companies like OnX Maps also make highly-detailed off-road trail map chips that are compatible with a variety of GPS units. These maps have the advantage of showing land ownership, forest and park boundaries, hunt area codes, etc., and they will often show trails that are not mapped on Polaris' own Ride Command system.

In addition to GPS units for the Polaris General that show whether the land you're on is State land, BLM land, Forest Service land, or private property, a GPS can also give you vital information about both the geography where you're riding and your riding metrics. Tracking your machine's speed via GPS will help you calibrate your speedometer -- which can sometimes be off if you've installed particular aftermarket accessories on your General -- and knowing your altitude as well as the distance traveled can help you calculate the fuel efficiency of your General. Some riders like to use dual-frequency GNSS GPS units for enhanced accuracy, while others just need something cheap to give them general directions. If you don't leave your own farm or the area in which you ride is relatively small, you may not have a pressing need for a GPS. But if you want real-time data such as speed and distance or if you ride in areas where the trail networks are confusing and complex, a Polaris General GPS unit will prove highly valuable!

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