To stop the wind noise while zipping along in your Polaris General, to communicate with passengers and other riders on the trail, or to listen to your favorite mood-setting music behind the wheel, earbuds and helmet speakers are a must-have accessory. You don't need a thousand-dollar sound system loud enough to shake the leaves off of trees to listen to music in your Polaris General. Through the use of earbuds or helmet speakers, you won't subject others to your dubious taste in music. More importantly, however, you'll actually be able to hear your music over the sound of the General's engine and exhaust. Not keen on using wired earbuds that tangle up and restrict your movement? Why not get wireless earbuds or helmet speakers that go with the flow and will never trip you up? Whether you're using them for communication purposes or using them to play music, with the right earbuds or helmet speakers, the audio you consume will be high grade and crystal clear.
Many helmets these days come with built-in pockets made specifically for helmet speakers. And any helmet speaker that's worth a darn should be able to seamlessly sync with a smartphone, MP3 player, radio, or intercom. Earbuds and helmet speakers with noise-canceling functionality are perfect for use in the Polaris General. Not only will you get great-sounding audio, but you won't have to crank the volume all the way up and risk a ruptured eardrum just to hear it. We have simple mono earbuds and helmet speakers that produce the same sound on each side, and stereo earbuds and helmet speakers for more complicated, surround-sound audio. Regardless of whether or not you wear a helmet, for awesome high-fidelity audio when riding in a Polaris General, earbuds and helmet speakers are among the best solutions out there. But don't take our word for it. Get a set of your very own and test them out for yourself!